Category: Shingle

Roof Issues to Look Out for When Buying or Selling a Home

When it comes to buying or selling a property, there are countless factors to consider. From location and layout to price and aesthetics, each aspect plays a vital role in the decision-making process. However, one often overlooked yet crucial element is the condition of the roof. A well-maintained roof not only enhances the overall appeal of a home but also provides peace of mind for both buyers and sellers.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common roof issues that can arise when buying or selling a home. By being aware of these potential problems, you can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to ensure your roof is in optimal condition. So whether you’re a prospective buyer evaluating a property or a seller preparing your home for sale, read on to discover the key roof issues you need to look out for.

1. Age and Wear

The age of a roof is an important consideration when assessing its condition. As roofs age, they become more susceptible to wear and tear from exposure to weather elements such as sunlight, rain, wind, and snow. Over time, this can lead to weakened shingles, cracks in flashing, or even structural damage.

Additionally, factors like improper installation or inadequate maintenance can accelerate the aging process of a roof. Therefore, it’s essential to determine the age of the roof and evaluate its overall wear during both buying and selling processes.

2. Leaks and Water Damage

Water damage caused by leaks is one of the most common issues homeowners face with their roofs. Even minor leaks can lead to significant problems if left unaddressed. When inspecting a property as a buyer or seller, it’s crucial to check for signs of water damage on ceilings or walls inside the house.

Stains or discoloration may indicate past leaks that have been repaired but could still pose risks in the future. Additionally, inspect the attic for any signs of water penetration, such as dampness or mould growth, as these can be indicators of ongoing leaks.

3. Missing or Damaged Shingles

Shingles are the protective outer layer of a roof and play a vital role in shielding it from the elements. Missing or damaged shingles not only compromise the aesthetics of a home but also leave the underlying structure vulnerable to potential damage.

During your inspection, look for signs of missing shingles or ones that are cracked, curled, or blistered. These issues can result from age, poor installation, or severe weather conditions. If you notice significant shingle damage, it’s essential to address it promptly to prevent further deterioration.

4. Sagging Roof

A sagging roof is a serious concern that should not be taken lightly when buying or selling a property. It indicates structural problems that could potentially lead to significant safety hazards and costly repairs.

When assessing a roof’s condition, pay close attention to any visible signs of sagging in the roofline. This could be an indication of rotting or weakened support beams, damaged decking, or even an excessive load on the roof caused by improper construction practices.

5. Poor Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining the longevity and performance of a roof system. Inadequate ventilation can lead to moisture build-up in the attic, which can cause mould growth and compromise the structural integrity of the roof.

As a buyer or seller, ensure that proper ventilation measures are in place. Look for signs of excess moisture in the attic such as condensation on windows or damp insulation. Addressing ventilation issues promptly will help preserve your roof’s lifespan and prevent potential headaches down the road.


The condition of your roof plays a significant role when buying or selling a home. By being aware of common issues like age and wear, leaks and water damage, missing or damaged shingles, sagging roofs, and poor ventilation, you can make informed decisions that safeguard your investment.

Whether you’re a buyer conducting due diligence or a seller preparing your property for sale, it’s crucial to have a professional roof inspection performed. This will provide a comprehensive assessment of your roof’s condition and give you the confidence to move forward with your real estate endeavours. Remember, a well-maintained roof not only enhances the value of your home but also protects you and your loved ones from the elements for years to come.

How to Replace Roof Tiles: A Comprehensive Guide

As a homeowner, one of the essential skills you should possess is the ability to replace cracked, broken, or missing roof tiles. Neglecting this task can lead to a host of issues, including the growth of moss and algae or even the nightmare scenario of a roof leak. Water seeping through your roofline can cause severe structural damage if left unaddressed.

While replacing tiles on your roof may seem like a daunting challenge, especially if you’re new to DIY projects or uncomfortable working at heights, fear not. This guide is here to help you navigate through the process with ease. We’ll discuss common signs that indicate a roof tile needs replacing, the necessary tools and equipment required for the job, and step-by-step instructions for replacing various types of roof tiles.

Signs that Indicate Roof Tile Replacement

Before diving into the specifics of how to replace roof tiles, it’s important to be able to identify when it’s time for replacement. Here are some tell-tale signs that your roof tiles may need attention:

1. Cracked or Broken Tiles

Inspect your roof visually from ground level or using binoculars. Look out for any cracked or broken tiles, as these are clear indicators that they need immediate replacement.

2. Missing Tiles

If you notice any gaps on your roof where tiles should be, it means you have missing tiles. It’s crucial to address this issue promptly since missing tiles leave your home vulnerable to water damage.

3. Water Stains on Ceilings

Water stains appearing on your ceilings are an obvious sign that water is penetrating through damaged tiles and reaching inside your home. If left unresolved, this can lead to more significant problems such as mould growth and compromised structural integrity.

By keeping an eye out for these signs, you can catch potential roofing issues early on and take appropriate action before they escalate.

Tools and Equipment You’ll Need

Now that we’ve covered the signs of roof tile damage, let’s discuss the tools and equipment necessary to replace them. Before starting any roofing project, ensure you have the following items on hand:

1. Safety Gear

Safety should always be a top priority when working at heights. Make sure you have sturdy footwear, a hard hat, safety goggles, and gloves to protect yourself throughout the process.

2. Ladder

A stable ladder that can reach the height of your roof is essential for accessing the damaged tiles safely. Ensure your ladder is in good condition and placed securely on level ground.

3. Roofing Hammer

A roofing hammer, also known as a slate ripper or tile ripper, is specifically designed for removing roof tiles without causing unnecessary damage to surrounding tiles.

4. Replacement Tiles

Have replacement tiles ready before you begin the project. It’s advisable to purchase extra tiles to account for any future repairs or replacements.

5. Chalk Line and Measuring Tape

These tools will assist you in accurately aligning new tiles and ensuring they fit seamlessly into place.

Having these tools readily available will make your roof tile replacement project more efficient and safer.

Steps for Replacing Common Roof Tile Types

In this section, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for replacing three common types of roof tiles: clay tiles, concrete tiles, and asphalt shingles.

1. Clay Tiles

Clay tiles are durable and aesthetically pleasing but require careful handling during replacement to prevent breakage.

  1. Start by carefully removing any broken or cracked clay tiles using a roofing hammer.
  2. Slide the slate ripper under adjacent intact tiles to loosen them.
  3. Gently lift up the neighboring tiles from above while sliding out the damaged tile.
  4. Place a new clay tile into position, ensuring it aligns with the surrounding tiles.
  5. Press the new tile down firmly to secure it in place.

2. Concrete Tiles

Concrete tiles are a popular choice for their affordability and durability. Here’s how to replace them:

  1. Using a roofing hammer, break the damaged concrete tile into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  2. Lift up the surrounding tiles using the slate ripper, being careful not to damage them.
  3. Remove any remaining debris from the area where the new tile will be placed.
  4. Slide the replacement concrete tile into position, ensuring it fits snugly alongside neighboring tiles.
  5. Carefully press down on the new tile until it is securely seated.

3. Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are widely used due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. Follow these steps to replace damaged asphalt shingles:

  1. Locate the damaged shingle by visually inspecting your roof or feeling for any loose or curled edges.
  2. Lift up the edges of the overlapping shingles using a pry bar.
  3. Remove any roofing nails securing the damaged shingle in place.
  4. Slide out the damaged shingle and discard it.
  5. Position a new asphalt shingle in its place, aligning it with neighboring shingles.
  6. Secure the new shingle with roofing nails, making sure they penetrate both the new shingle and underlying roof deck.


Replacing roof tiles is an essential skill every homeowner should possess, as neglecting this task can result in serious structural damage over time. By familiarizing yourself with common signs of roof tile damage, gathering necessary tools and equipment, and following step-by-step instructions for different types of roof tiles, you can confidently tackle this DIY project or make informed decisions when hiring a professional.

Remember that safety should always come first when working at heights, so take all necessary precautions before starting any roofing project. With proper care and attention, you can ensure your roof remains in excellent condition, protecting your home for years to come.

A comprehensive guide to felt shingles

Felt shingles are a popular roofing option for various properties, particularly garden structures, and there are numerous reasons for this. They have many advantages, so let’s get to know exactly what felt shingles can offer you.

What Are Roof Shingles?

Shingles are special roofing materials that can be placed along a roof, creating a defined, uniform appearance that is watertight and able to withstand a wide array of weather and temperature conditions. Simple to apply, they can be applied to many different buildings, and usually don’t require a professional to install.

There are several different types of shingles made from various different materials. Felt and cedar are common shingle types. Felt is a particular favourite among professional builders and DIY enthusiasts alike due to the many advantages it benefits from.

Felt shingles are an affordable alternative to roofing felt and can be used without a finishing layer placed over the top. Due to this, they are often produced in a wide range of colours, giving customers more choices and allowing them to pick out the best finishing look for their projects.

Benefits of Felt Roofing Shingles

The popularity of felt shingles can be attributed to the benefits they offer. The ease of installation, sometimes requiring just a wooden surface to fix them onto, makes them appealing to a wide range of builders, from professionals to amateurs.

Felt shingles tend to come in a much wider range of colours than most other shingle types, giving you far more choice when it comes to deciding on the cosmetic choices surrounding your project. Whether you want to retain a clear level of uniformity or are looking to achieve a much more adventurous appearance with varying forms and configurations, there is a felt shingle for you!

Not only are they extremely cost-effective products, available at lower prices than most other options but they’re also cheaper to install and maintain. While one of the main selling points of felt shingles is the relatively simple procedure required to install and replace them, their durability should not be underestimated. Felt is a surprisingly robust material and will be able to stand firm throughout any climate, which is necessary for our temperamental British climate.

Best Structures for Felt Shingles

Felt shingles are ideal for various structures, especially those found in gardens. Sheds, stables, garages, and carports are all ideal locations on which to apply them. Not only do felt shingles add a level of protection against the elements, but they also add extra character and, when aged, give the structure a rustic appearance that blends in beautifully with the classic British garden aesthetic.

Felt shingles are waterproof and soundproof, making them perfect for putting on structures designed for storage and containment, whether this is on a shed protecting tools, stables for horses, or even hutches for rabbits and other pets.

What have we learned?

To conclude, felt shingles are ideal for you if you are looking for the following:

  • A much cheaper alternative to more expensive shingles and tiles
  • A waterproof covering for a huge array of garden structures
  • An incredibly fast and easy installation process
  • An extremely simplified maintenance/replacement procedure

Looking for the best price on Felt Shingles?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs, you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on roofing supplies (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing

Our Guide to different Roof Tile types

When it comes to finishing a roof, there’s an array of roof tile types to choose from, with options available in various materials, shapes, profiles, and sizes. Choosing the right one often comes down to aesthetics, but other factors to consider will include the roof pitch, weight, weather resistance, sustainability, and budget.

We’ve put together this guide to help ensure the best choice of roof tile for a project.

One of the first things to consider when making a choice is the material of the tiles. Roof tiles come in a wide range of materials, and here at eRoofs, we specialise in providing all kinds of roof tiles!


When it comes to material, which roof tile type is best? The answer is: it depends on the project! Since the material will play a big part in the overall appearance of the roof, think about what looks good. Also, look at what roof tile types other buildings in the area use. Do you want the roof to stand out or blend in?

Other considerations include the material’s durability, longevity, wind resistance, weight, maintenance requirements, ease of installation, and cost.

Cedar Shingles

For a truly natural appearance, cedar shingles might be the perfect solution. They’re also one of the most sustainable roofing materials available. Since they are also very lightweight, the carbon footprint of transporting them is minimal, and they’re easy to move around on-site.

eRoofs Western Red Cedar Shingles are sawn from the highest quality of British Columbian Cedar logs, providing a warm and rich amber-toned aesthetic to your roof. Our shingles are sawn on both sides making them thinner therefore the taper is less obvious, giving more of a smooth and uniform finish.

Felt Shingles

Felt shingles are a popular roofing option for various properties, particularly garden structures, and there are numerous reasons for this. The popularity of felt shingles can be attributed to the benefits they offer. The ease of installation, sometimes requiring just a wooden surface to fix them onto, makes them appealing to a wide range of builders, from professionals to amateurs.

Felt shingles are waterproof and soundproof, making them perfect for putting on structures designed for storage and containment, whether this is on a shed protecting tools, stables for horses, or even hutches for rabbits and other pets.

Onduvilla Bitumen Roof Tiles

Onduvilla Bitumen Roof Tiles are a more reliable and flexible alternative to traditional clay tiles. These tile strips are eco-friendly, made from recycled materials, and form a desirable, durable, and lightweight roof covering that can be laid on a roof decking or close boarding. They’re particularly popular because they offer so much customisation for an affordable price. At eRoofs, we carry brown, black, green, and red!

Regardless of your project size, the lightweight, attractive design of these tiles makes them extremely simple to install, and their dimensions are perfectly adapted to small-size structures.

Looking for the best price on Roof Tiles?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs, you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on roofing supplies (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing

Look no further for western red cedar shingle inspiration!

It’s no secret that we love Western Red Cedar Shingles – they’re not only environmentally conscious but extremely durable, lasting up to 20 years! These fantastic shingles also age beautifully, they will adopt a pleasant silvery grey shade over time. But don’t be fooled… They aren’t just for roofing, they can be used for many different projects.

Wall covering

Cedar shingles make for fantastic cladding. They are insulating, durable and weatherproof and with such a long warranty they are a wise investment – as a bonus, they come already treated against rot and decay, so there is no need for maintenance, just attach and go! They add a uniquely rustic look to any home and are often used in coastal areas because of their resistance to moisture compared to other wood cladding, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be used in other climates.

Credit: @withbearhandsuk on Instagram

Outdoor playhouse

Store-bought playhouses can often fall apart and diminish over time, but this fantastic red cedar shingle playhouse is a dream come true! This highly durable playhouse will last through any conditions so it’s perfect for children. They also look a lot better than shop-bought playhouses, which are often made of plastic which looks tired after years of play, these shingles last over 20 years so playtime doesn’t have to end!

Credit: @callyprojects on Instagram


We think cedar shingle roofing looks great on every home, you don’t have to compromise an aesthetically pleasing look for waterproof protection. The wood is naturally insect and rot-resistant so it requires little to no maintenance, which is ideal for a roof because a lot of upkeep may mean leaking and it can be difficult to maintain roofing without hiring a professional. As long as you have roofing underneath these shingles your roof will be secure and they won’t need to be replaced for many years.

Credit: @withbearhandsuk on Instagram

Shed or garden building

Traditional shed buildings aren’t always made to last and they rarely match the aesthetic of modern homes, but cedar shingles are a unique way to make your outbuildings look modern and appealing. Either use them as cladding on top of an existing building or create a new structure with cedar shingles as the main element.

Credit: @withbearhandsuk on Instagram

Cedar shingles are easy to install at home in a DIY project for easy results that you can be proud of. When installing the shingles we recommend our cedar shingle silicone bronze nails for maximum life.  As a guide, approximately 1kg of nails is required to fix 6 bundles of shingles.

Want to get the best deal on western red cedar shingles?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on composite decking (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing

Western Red Cedar Shingles – Beautiful & sustainable.

red cedar shingles

Sawn from the highest quality British Columbian cedar logs, Western Red Cedar Shingles provide a naturally durable and hard wearing roofing or cladding solution, not to mention the visually stunning appearence of the warm red-brown tones that will age gracefully into silver-grey as the seasons and years roll by.

One of the other many benefits of this unique material which more and more people are considering when building or renovating is the enviromental impact of the products & materials they are using for their project, this is where Western Red Cedar shingle really stands out. It has one of the lowest carbon footprints of any building material. The wood used for our shingles are from carefully managed forests and every tree that is processed (plus extra) is replaced which makes it sustainable and in turn the obvious choice for the enviromentially concious.

Western red cedar

From £61.93 per pack you can get this rustic, striking look without the expensive price tag.

You will also find everything else you need to complete your project on the eRoofs website.

Super fast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

48 Hour delivery on many products

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

PLEASE NOTE: Prices were all correct at time of writing, current pricing available at