Category: Roofing

The Many Uses of Corrugated Roofing Sheets

Corrugated roofing sheets are a popular choice for many industrial, commercial, and residential buildings due to their durability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. These sheets are renowned for their characteristic wave-like structure which offers both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

One of the primary uses of corrugated roofing sheets is, unsurprisingly, roofing. Their rigid structure and weather-resistant properties make them an ideal solution for roofing houses, sheds, garages, and larger structures like warehouses and factories. The corrugations in the sheets not only add structural strength, reducing the need for additional supports, but also direct rainwater runoff, preventing water accumulation and potential leaks.

Beyond traditional roofing, corrugated sheets are also used in landscaping and interior design. Their industrial, rustic charm can be harnessed to create striking garden fences or interior accent walls. In agriculture, these sheets are often used to construct greenhouses, thanks to their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions while still allowing sunlight to pass through.

The versatility of corrugated roofing sheets also extends to their composition. They can be made from a variety of materials, each offering unique benefits. The most common material is galvanised steel, prized for its longevity and resistance to rust. However, corrugated sheets can also be made from aluminium, which is lightweight and ideal for structures where weight is a concern. For those seeking an eco-friendly option, corrugated roofing sheets made from recycled materials are also available.

In terms of installation, corrugated roofing sheets are generally considered easy to install, with straightforward, overlapping panels. This approach to installation not only reduces labour costs but also significantly shortens the time it takes to roof a building. However, despite the relative ease of installation, it’s crucial to consult with professionals to ensure the correct fit and proper sealing, as these factors greatly affect the durability and weatherproofing of the structure.

Furthermore, modern advances in technology have led to the development of corrugated roofing sheets with additional features such as thermal and acoustic insulation or reflective coatings to enhance energy efficiency. These advancements offer new, exciting possibilities for the use of corrugated roofing sheets in tackling environmental challenges and enhancing building performance.

In conclusion, the humble corrugated roofing sheet remains a staple in construction due to its flexibility, durability, and cost-effectiveness. The uses of corrugated roofing sheets extend far beyond simple roofing. Their durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness make them an attractive choice for a multitude of applications, from roofing and fencing to interior design and agricultural uses.

As technology and design trends continue to evolve, it’s clear that corrugated roofing sheets will remain a key player in the building industry, whether it’s for traditional roofing, innovative design applications, or pioneering eco-friendly solutions.

Why is Your Roof Stained?

Is your roof covered in unsightly black and green stains? Are you wondering what causes these blemishes to appear and how you can prevent them? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the common culprits behind stained roofs and provide you with insights on how to keep your roof looking clean and pristine. If you’re thinking about doing up your roof, understanding the causes of staining is essential. So, let’s dive into the world of roof stains and discover how to maintain a beautiful roof for years to come.

Understanding Algae, Moss, and Lichens

Black streaks or green patches on your roof are often signs of algae, moss, or lichens taking up residence. These organisms thrive in wet and humid environments, making them particularly prevalent in certain climates. While they may seem harmless at first glance, ignoring these stains can lead to severe consequences such as rot, mold growth, and water damage. Let’s take a closer look at each culprit:


Algae are tiny organisms that flourish in damp conditions. They typically appear as black streaks on shingles and can quickly spread across your entire roof if left untreated. While algae do not cause significant structural damage to your roof, their presence can be aesthetically displeasing.


Moss is a small plant that thrives in moist environments with low sunlight exposure. It appears as a greenish hue on roofs and tends to grow in shaded areas or where there is an accumulation of debris like leaves or branches. Unlike algae, moss has root-like structures that penetrate shingles over time if not addressed promptly.


Lichens are unique organisms formed through the symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. They have a distinctive appearance with patches ranging from green to gray or white colors. Lichens grow slowly but can cause damage to your roof by infiltrating and deteriorating shingles.

The Impact of Stains on Your Roof

While the appearance of stains may seem like a purely cosmetic issue, it’s crucial to address them promptly. Ignoring or neglecting roof stains can lead to various problems, including:

  1. Reduced Lifespan: Algae, moss, and lichens can retain moisture on your roof’s surface, accelerating the deterioration of shingles and shortening their lifespan.
  2. Structural Damage: Over time, the presence of these organisms can compromise the integrity of your roof, leading to leaks, rotting wood decking, and potential water damage inside your home.
  3. Energy Inefficiency: Moss and algae can trap moisture close to the surface of your roof, promoting heat absorption and reducing energy efficiency in your home.

Now that we understand the causes and potential consequences of stained roofs let’s explore effective strategies for prevention and maintenance in our next section.

Prevention: Keeping Stains at Bay

Preventing stains from appearing on your roof is easier than dealing with them once they’ve taken hold. Here are some proactive measures you can take to keep your roof looking clean:

Regular Roof Inspections

Performing regular inspections allows you to identify any signs of staining early on. Look out for discoloration or patches during visual examinations from the ground or through binoculars. If you notice any suspicious areas, it’s best to take action sooner rather than later.

Proper Roof Ventilation

Maintaining proper ventilation in your attic helps regulate temperature and humidity levels in your entire roofing system. By preventing excessive moisture build-up, you create an environment less conducive for algae and moss growth.

Tree Trimming

Trimming overhanging tree branches near your roof prevents excessive shade that encourages moss growth while reducing debris accumulation that supports both moss and lichen development.

Regular Cleaning

Regularly cleaning your roof can help deter the growth of algae, moss, and lichens. However, caution should be exercised to avoid damaging shingles or causing additional problems. Consult a professional or follow manufacturer guidelines for safe and effective cleaning methods.

Cleaning Methods: Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to cleaning a stained roof, it’s essential to use appropriate techniques that won’t cause further damage. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  • Use a gentle low-pressure wash or soft-bristle brush to remove stains.
  • Apply environmentally friendly roof cleaning solutions specifically designed for algae, moss, or lichen removal.
  • Ensure safety precautions such as using proper footwear and securing yourself with fall protection equipment if necessary.


  • Avoid using high-pressure washing or aggressive scrubbing techniques that may harm shingles.
  • Refrain from using chlorine bleach or other harsh chemicals that can damage vegetation and corrode metal components on your roof.

By following these guidelines, you can safely restore the appearance of your roof while minimizing the risk of any unintended consequences.

Professional Assistance: When to Seek Help

While some homeowners may feel confident in tackling roof stains themselves, others prefer enlisting the help of professionals. Consider reaching out to roofing experts in the following situations:

  1. Severe Staining: If your roof is heavily stained or covered in extensive growth, professional help may be necessary to ensure thorough and effective cleaning.
  2. Safety Concerns: Steep roofs or multi-story homes pose safety risks for DIY cleaning. In such cases, it is advisable to hire professionals equipped with appropriate safety gear and expertise.
  3. Lack of Time or Resources: If you lack the time, tools, or physical capability required for proper stain removal, contacting professionals will save you both time and effort.

Remember that professional assistance ensures not only a clean roof but also peace of mind knowing the job is done safely and effectively.


Understanding why your roof is stained is the first step towards maintaining a beautiful and long-lasting roofing system. Algae, moss, and lichens are common culprits that require regular attention to prevent potential damage. By implementing prevention strategies, adopting safe cleaning practices, and seeking professional help when needed, you can keep your roof free from stains and extend its lifespan. So go ahead, give your roof the care it deserves, and enjoy a clean and vibrant home for years to come!

Signs of a Failing Roof: Don’t Ignore the Red Flags!

Your home is your sanctuary, shielding you from the elements and providing comfort and security. But what happens when that shield starts to falter? A failing roof can lead to a myriad of problems, from water leaks to higher energy bills. As you consider giving your roof a much-needed makeover, it’s crucial to understand the signs of a failing roof. By being proactive and addressing these warning signals promptly, you can save yourself from potential headaches down the road. In this blog post, we will explore the tell-tale signs that indicate your roof is in need of attention. So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s dive into the world of roofing!

Loose or Missing Shingles: A Warning Sign

One of the most apparent signs that your roof may be failing is loose or missing shingles. Take a few moments to visually inspect your roof from ground level. Do you notice any shingles that appear out of place or completely absent? These gaps leave vulnerable areas exposed to rain, wind, and other harsh weather conditions.

Shingles can become loose due to various reasons such as aging, improper installation, or storm damage. Regardless of the cause, it’s crucial not to overlook this issue. Even a single missing shingle can compromise the integrity of your entire roof system.

Sagging: When Your Roof Tells You It Needs Help

If you spot any noticeable sagging in your roofline, it’s time to take action immediately. Sagging is an unmistakable sign that there are structural issues at play. This could be caused by several factors:

  1. Water Damage: Prolonged exposure to moisture can weaken the structure of your roof over time.
  2. Improper Installation: If your roof was installed incorrectly or without proper support structures, sagging may occur sooner than expected.
  3. Excessive Weight: The weight of heavy snow or ice accumulation can strain your roof, leading to sagging.

Sagging not only compromises the overall stability of your roof but also raises concerns about potential structural damage to your home. Don’t delay in contacting a professional roofing contractor to assess the situation and recommend appropriate repairs or replacements.

Exposed Nail Heads: A Red Flag You Shouldn’t Ignore

During a visual inspection of your roof, keep an eye out for exposed nail heads. These are nails that were once securely hidden beneath shingles but have now become visible. Exposed nail heads can be indicative of several issues:

  1. Loose Shingles: As shingles age or experience extreme weather conditions, they may loosen, causing nails to pop up.
  2. Improper Installation: If the original installation was done poorly, nails may not have been properly secured.
  3. Structural Movement: Over time, the natural expansion and contraction of your roof’s materials can cause nails to work their way out.

Exposed nail heads create openings for water penetration, which can lead to leaks and further damage. If you spot any exposed nails on your roof, it’s essential to have them addressed promptly by a roofing professional.

Curled, Cracked, or Blistering Shingles: A Warning of Roof Decay

Asphalt shingles are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their durability and affordability. However, over time, these shingles can deteriorate due to exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays and other weather elements. Keep an eye out for curled, cracked, or blistering shingles during your inspection.

Curled Shingles: When the edges of shingles curl upward or downward instead of lying flat against the roof surface.

Cracked Shingles: Visible cracks running along the length of individual shingles.

Blistering Shingles: Raised areas on the surface of the shingles, often filled with moisture.

These signs of decay indicate that your shingles are nearing the end of their lifespan and may no longer effectively protect your home from water infiltration. If left unaddressed, this deterioration can lead to more extensive damage and costly repairs down the line.

Granules or Debris in Your Gutters: A Clue to Roof Wear and Tear

During your regular gutter cleaning routine, take a closer look at what you find inside. Are you noticing an excessive amount of granules or debris? This could be an indication that your roof is wearing down.

Asphalt shingles are coated with tiny granules that protect them from the sun’s harmful rays. Over time, these granules will naturally wear away due to age and weather exposure. Significant granule loss can compromise the integrity of your shingles, leaving them susceptible to further damage.

Excessive debris in your gutters may also suggest that your roof is deteriorating and shedding materials. While some accumulation is normal, an excessive amount could signal a problem worth investigating further.

In our next section, we’ll explore other crucial signs of a failing roof, including missing or damaged flashing, dark or stained areas on your ceiling, higher-than-average energy bills, and water leaks. Stay tuned for more valuable insights!

Missing or Damaged Flashing: Vulnerabilities in Your Roof’s Armor

Flashing plays a crucial role in preventing water from seeping into vulnerable areas of your roof such as joints, chimneys, vents, and skylights. It creates a watertight barrier between these elements and the rest of your roof system.

Missing or damaged flashing compromises this barrier and opens the door for water intrusion. During your inspection, pay close attention to areas where flashing should be present. If you notice any gaps or signs of deterioration in the flashing material itself (typically made of metal), it’s essential to address these issues promptly.

Weather exposure and aging can cause flashing to deteriorate over time. To ensure your roof remains in good condition, have any damaged or missing flashing replaced by a professional roofer.

Dark or Stained Areas: Water Damage Takes a Visible Form

Water damage within your home can manifest in various ways, and one of the most visible signs is dark or stained areas on your ceilings. These unsightly marks are often an indication that water has penetrated your roof and is making its way into your living space.

Dark or stained areas may be accompanied by other warning signs such as peeling paint, bulging drywall, or visible mold growth. These issues not only detract from the aesthetic appeal of your home but also signify potential structural damage and health hazards.

If you notice any dark or stained areas on your ceiling, it’s crucial to address the underlying roof issue promptly. Ignoring these signs can lead to further damage and costly repairs both inside and outside of your home.

Higher-Than-Average Energy Bills: A Roof That’s Costing You

Are you experiencing an unexpected spike in your energy bills? Your failing roof could be to blame. When a roof begins to deteriorate or sustain damage, it compromises its ability to insulate your home effectively.

As heat escapes through cracks, gaps, or inadequate insulation caused by a failing roof, it forces your heating and cooling systems to work harder to maintain desired temperatures. This increased workload translates into higher energy consumption and elevated utility bills.

While higher energy bills alone may not definitively indicate a failing roof (as there could be other factors at play), they should serve as a red flag for further investigation. Addressing any roofing issues can help improve energy efficiency and save you money in the long run.

In our final section, we’ll explore the ultimate sign of a failing roof: water leaks in your top-floor ceilings. Stay with us as we wrap up this comprehensive guide!

Water Leaks in Your Top-Floor Ceilings: The Ultimatum

Perhaps the most concerning sign of a failing roof is water leaking into your top-floor ceilings. If you notice water stains, dampness, or even active dripping from your ceiling, it’s essential to take immediate action.

Water leaks can cause significant damage not only to your roof but also to the interior of your home. Left unchecked, they can lead to mold growth, compromised structural integrity, and costly repairs. Ignoring these leaks may result in more extensive damage and potential health hazards for you and your family.

If you discover any signs of water leakage in your top-floor ceilings, contact a professional roofing contractor without delay. They will be able to identify the source of the leak and recommend appropriate repairs or replacement options.

Conclusion: Act Now to Protect Your Home

Your roof plays a vital role in safeguarding your home and everything within it. By familiarizing yourself with the signs of a failing roof, you can be proactive in addressing issues before they escalate into costly repairs.

Remember to keep an eye out for loose or missing shingles, sagging, exposed nail heads, curled/cracked/blistering shingles, granules or debris in gutters, missing/damaged flashing, dark/stained areas on ceilings, higher energy bills, and water leaks. These warning signs should prompt you to seek professional assistance promptly.

Don’t wait until a small problem becomes a major headache; act now to protect your investment and ensure the safety and comfort of your home for years to come. Reach out to reputable roofing professionals who can assess the condition of your roof and guide you through the necessary steps for repair or replacement.

With proper attention and timely action, you can maintain a durable and reliable roof that will continue to provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Don’t let a failing roof rain on your parade—take charge and protect your home today!

Does Homeowner Insurance Cover Your Roof?

As a homeowner, you understand the importance of protecting your investment. One vital aspect of your home’s protection is ensuring that your roof is well-maintained and covered by insurance. But does homeowner insurance actually cover your roof? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of homeowner insurance policies and shed light on whether they provide coverage for your roof. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of what to expect when it comes to insuring this crucial part of your home.

Understanding Homeowner Insurance Coverage

Before we delve into the specifics of roof coverage, let’s first gain a better understanding of how homeowner insurance works. Homeowner insurance is designed to protect you financially in case unexpected events damage or destroy your home. Most standard policies cover perils such as fire, windstorms, hail, falling objects (like trees), and even vandalism or theft. This coverage typically extends to various structures on your property, including the roof.

The Roof Coverage in Your Policy

When it comes to insuring your roof, it’s essential to review the specific details outlined in your homeowner insurance policy. While most policies do cover roof damage caused by certain perils, there are some important factors to consider:

Covered Perils

Homeowner insurance policies generally cover structural damage resulting from perils like hailstorms, windstorms, fires, and falling trees or branches. If any of these events lead to damages affecting the integrity or functionality of your roof, you can typically make a claim with confidence.

Repair vs. Replacement

In the event that your roof sustains damage from a covered peril, most policies will provide coverage for either repairs or replacement. The extent of coverage depends on various factors such as age, condition before the damage occurred, and local building codes. It’s crucial to carefully review your policy documentation to understand the scope of repair or replacement coverage provided.

Deductibles and Exclusions

Similar to other types of insurance, homeowner policies often require you to pay a deductible before coverage kicks in. The deductible is the amount you’ll need to contribute out of pocket before your insurance company starts covering the remaining costs. Additionally, it’s important to be aware that some policies may exclude coverage for certain conditions or situations, such as pre-existing roof damage or wear and tear.

Additional Factors to Consider

While understanding the basic coverage provided by your homeowner insurance policy is vital, there are a few more factors worth considering when it comes to insuring your roof:

Policy Limitations

Insurance policies typically have limits on how much they will pay for specific items or damages. For instance, if your policy has a limit of $10,000 for roof repairs and the total cost exceeds that amount, you would be responsible for any additional expenses. Make sure you review your policy limits to ensure they align with your needs.

Maintenance and Neglect

It’s essential to note that homeowner insurance generally does not cover roof damages resulting from neglect or lack of maintenance. Insurance companies expect homeowners to take reasonable steps to maintain their roofs regularly. Failure to do so could result in denied claims if damage occurs due to preventable issues.

Conclusion: Protecting Your Roof Investment

In conclusion, homeowner insurance can provide valuable coverage for your roof in case of unforeseen events like hailstorms, windstorms, fires, or falling trees. However, it’s crucial to carefully review your policy documentation and understand the scope of coverage provided. Take note of any deductibles, exclusions, limitations, and maintenance expectations outlined in your policy. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you’re adequately protecting one of the most critical components of your home: the roof. Remember that consulting with an insurance professional can provide further guidance tailored specifically to your situation.

Roof Issues to Look Out for When Buying or Selling a Home

When it comes to buying or selling a property, there are countless factors to consider. From location and layout to price and aesthetics, each aspect plays a vital role in the decision-making process. However, one often overlooked yet crucial element is the condition of the roof. A well-maintained roof not only enhances the overall appeal of a home but also provides peace of mind for both buyers and sellers.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common roof issues that can arise when buying or selling a home. By being aware of these potential problems, you can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to ensure your roof is in optimal condition. So whether you’re a prospective buyer evaluating a property or a seller preparing your home for sale, read on to discover the key roof issues you need to look out for.

1. Age and Wear

The age of a roof is an important consideration when assessing its condition. As roofs age, they become more susceptible to wear and tear from exposure to weather elements such as sunlight, rain, wind, and snow. Over time, this can lead to weakened shingles, cracks in flashing, or even structural damage.

Additionally, factors like improper installation or inadequate maintenance can accelerate the aging process of a roof. Therefore, it’s essential to determine the age of the roof and evaluate its overall wear during both buying and selling processes.

2. Leaks and Water Damage

Water damage caused by leaks is one of the most common issues homeowners face with their roofs. Even minor leaks can lead to significant problems if left unaddressed. When inspecting a property as a buyer or seller, it’s crucial to check for signs of water damage on ceilings or walls inside the house.

Stains or discoloration may indicate past leaks that have been repaired but could still pose risks in the future. Additionally, inspect the attic for any signs of water penetration, such as dampness or mould growth, as these can be indicators of ongoing leaks.

3. Missing or Damaged Shingles

Shingles are the protective outer layer of a roof and play a vital role in shielding it from the elements. Missing or damaged shingles not only compromise the aesthetics of a home but also leave the underlying structure vulnerable to potential damage.

During your inspection, look for signs of missing shingles or ones that are cracked, curled, or blistered. These issues can result from age, poor installation, or severe weather conditions. If you notice significant shingle damage, it’s essential to address it promptly to prevent further deterioration.

4. Sagging Roof

A sagging roof is a serious concern that should not be taken lightly when buying or selling a property. It indicates structural problems that could potentially lead to significant safety hazards and costly repairs.

When assessing a roof’s condition, pay close attention to any visible signs of sagging in the roofline. This could be an indication of rotting or weakened support beams, damaged decking, or even an excessive load on the roof caused by improper construction practices.

5. Poor Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining the longevity and performance of a roof system. Inadequate ventilation can lead to moisture build-up in the attic, which can cause mould growth and compromise the structural integrity of the roof.

As a buyer or seller, ensure that proper ventilation measures are in place. Look for signs of excess moisture in the attic such as condensation on windows or damp insulation. Addressing ventilation issues promptly will help preserve your roof’s lifespan and prevent potential headaches down the road.


The condition of your roof plays a significant role when buying or selling a home. By being aware of common issues like age and wear, leaks and water damage, missing or damaged shingles, sagging roofs, and poor ventilation, you can make informed decisions that safeguard your investment.

Whether you’re a buyer conducting due diligence or a seller preparing your property for sale, it’s crucial to have a professional roof inspection performed. This will provide a comprehensive assessment of your roof’s condition and give you the confidence to move forward with your real estate endeavours. Remember, a well-maintained roof not only enhances the value of your home but also protects you and your loved ones from the elements for years to come.

How to Replace Roof Tiles: A Comprehensive Guide

As a homeowner, one of the essential skills you should possess is the ability to replace cracked, broken, or missing roof tiles. Neglecting this task can lead to a host of issues, including the growth of moss and algae or even the nightmare scenario of a roof leak. Water seeping through your roofline can cause severe structural damage if left unaddressed.

While replacing tiles on your roof may seem like a daunting challenge, especially if you’re new to DIY projects or uncomfortable working at heights, fear not. This guide is here to help you navigate through the process with ease. We’ll discuss common signs that indicate a roof tile needs replacing, the necessary tools and equipment required for the job, and step-by-step instructions for replacing various types of roof tiles.

Signs that Indicate Roof Tile Replacement

Before diving into the specifics of how to replace roof tiles, it’s important to be able to identify when it’s time for replacement. Here are some tell-tale signs that your roof tiles may need attention:

1. Cracked or Broken Tiles

Inspect your roof visually from ground level or using binoculars. Look out for any cracked or broken tiles, as these are clear indicators that they need immediate replacement.

2. Missing Tiles

If you notice any gaps on your roof where tiles should be, it means you have missing tiles. It’s crucial to address this issue promptly since missing tiles leave your home vulnerable to water damage.

3. Water Stains on Ceilings

Water stains appearing on your ceilings are an obvious sign that water is penetrating through damaged tiles and reaching inside your home. If left unresolved, this can lead to more significant problems such as mould growth and compromised structural integrity.

By keeping an eye out for these signs, you can catch potential roofing issues early on and take appropriate action before they escalate.

Tools and Equipment You’ll Need

Now that we’ve covered the signs of roof tile damage, let’s discuss the tools and equipment necessary to replace them. Before starting any roofing project, ensure you have the following items on hand:

1. Safety Gear

Safety should always be a top priority when working at heights. Make sure you have sturdy footwear, a hard hat, safety goggles, and gloves to protect yourself throughout the process.

2. Ladder

A stable ladder that can reach the height of your roof is essential for accessing the damaged tiles safely. Ensure your ladder is in good condition and placed securely on level ground.

3. Roofing Hammer

A roofing hammer, also known as a slate ripper or tile ripper, is specifically designed for removing roof tiles without causing unnecessary damage to surrounding tiles.

4. Replacement Tiles

Have replacement tiles ready before you begin the project. It’s advisable to purchase extra tiles to account for any future repairs or replacements.

5. Chalk Line and Measuring Tape

These tools will assist you in accurately aligning new tiles and ensuring they fit seamlessly into place.

Having these tools readily available will make your roof tile replacement project more efficient and safer.

Steps for Replacing Common Roof Tile Types

In this section, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for replacing three common types of roof tiles: clay tiles, concrete tiles, and asphalt shingles.

1. Clay Tiles

Clay tiles are durable and aesthetically pleasing but require careful handling during replacement to prevent breakage.

  1. Start by carefully removing any broken or cracked clay tiles using a roofing hammer.
  2. Slide the slate ripper under adjacent intact tiles to loosen them.
  3. Gently lift up the neighboring tiles from above while sliding out the damaged tile.
  4. Place a new clay tile into position, ensuring it aligns with the surrounding tiles.
  5. Press the new tile down firmly to secure it in place.

2. Concrete Tiles

Concrete tiles are a popular choice for their affordability and durability. Here’s how to replace them:

  1. Using a roofing hammer, break the damaged concrete tile into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  2. Lift up the surrounding tiles using the slate ripper, being careful not to damage them.
  3. Remove any remaining debris from the area where the new tile will be placed.
  4. Slide the replacement concrete tile into position, ensuring it fits snugly alongside neighboring tiles.
  5. Carefully press down on the new tile until it is securely seated.

3. Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are widely used due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of installation. Follow these steps to replace damaged asphalt shingles:

  1. Locate the damaged shingle by visually inspecting your roof or feeling for any loose or curled edges.
  2. Lift up the edges of the overlapping shingles using a pry bar.
  3. Remove any roofing nails securing the damaged shingle in place.
  4. Slide out the damaged shingle and discard it.
  5. Position a new asphalt shingle in its place, aligning it with neighboring shingles.
  6. Secure the new shingle with roofing nails, making sure they penetrate both the new shingle and underlying roof deck.


Replacing roof tiles is an essential skill every homeowner should possess, as neglecting this task can result in serious structural damage over time. By familiarizing yourself with common signs of roof tile damage, gathering necessary tools and equipment, and following step-by-step instructions for different types of roof tiles, you can confidently tackle this DIY project or make informed decisions when hiring a professional.

Remember that safety should always come first when working at heights, so take all necessary precautions before starting any roofing project. With proper care and attention, you can ensure your roof remains in excellent condition, protecting your home for years to come.

How Long Does a Roof Last?

As homeowners, we understand the importance of having a sturdy and reliable roof over our heads. But have you ever wondered how long your roof will actually last? After all, investing in a new roof is no small feat, and knowing its lifespan can help you plan for the future. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the factors that determine the longevity of a roof and provide you with essential insights to make informed decisions about your roofing needs.

Factors Affecting Roof Lifespan

A properly designed, carefully crafted, and professionally installed roofing system should provide solid protection for around 20 years, according to the National Roofing Contractors Association. However, several factors can influence this estimate:

1. Weather and Environmental Conditions

Extreme weather events such as heavy rainstorms, snowfall, or high winds can take a toll on your roof’s lifespan. Constant exposure to harsh sunlight can also cause materials to deteriorate more quickly. Additionally, environmental factors like pollution levels or proximity to coastal areas can impact your roof’s longevity.

2. Quality of Materials and Craftsmanship

Using substandard materials or opting for poor craftsmanship during installation can significantly diminish the lifespan of your roof. It is crucial to choose high-quality materials that are suitable for your specific climate and hire experienced professionals who follow industry best practices.

3. Intangibles That Can Impact Your Roof

Certain unforeseen circumstances can affect your roof’s durability. Hail storms that pummel your area or falling limbs from nearby trees pose risks to the integrity of your roof. Furthermore, undersized gutters or those filled with debris can lead to water accumulation and damage over time.

Lifespan of Different Roofing Systems

The type of roofing material used plays a significant role in determining how long your roof will last. While some materials offer impressive lifespans exceeding 50 years, others have shorter life expectancies. Let’s explore the lifespans of commonly used roofing systems:

1. Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are a popular choice for many homes in the Mid-Atlantic region. They are affordable and come in various styles and colors. On average, asphalt shingle roofs can last between 15 to 30 years, with proper maintenance and regular inspections.

2. Wood Shakes

Wood shakes exude a natural charm and rustic aesthetic that appeals to many homeowners. However, their lifespan is typically shorter than asphalt shingles, ranging from 20 to 30 years. Regular maintenance and treatments can extend their durability.

3. Slate

Slate roofs are renowned for their elegance and exceptional longevity. With proper installation and maintenance, a slate roof can easily last up to 50 years or more. Its durability makes it a worthwhile investment for those seeking long-term protection.

4. Clay Tiles

Clay tiles have been used for centuries due to their durability and timeless appeal. When installed correctly, clay tile roofs can provide reliable protection for approximately 50 years or even longer.

5. Metal Roofing

Metal roofs have gained popularity in recent years due to their versatility and longevity. Typically made of materials like copper or steel, metal roofs can last between 40 to 70 years depending on the specific material used.

Maintaining Your Roof for Longevity

While the lifespan estimates mentioned above provide a general guideline, proactive maintenance is crucial in maximizing your roof’s durability:

  • Regular inspections: Schedule professional inspections at least once every few years or after severe weather events to identify any potential issues early on.
  • Keep gutters clean: Regularly remove debris from your gutters to prevent water buildup that could lead to leaks or other damage.
  • Trim nearby trees: Overhanging tree branches can cause physical damage during storms or rub against the roof, wearing down the materials.
  • Prompt repairs: Address any signs of damage, such as missing shingles or leaks, promptly to prevent further deterioration.
  • Maintain ventilation: Proper attic ventilation helps regulate temperature and moisture levels, reducing the risk of roof damage.


Your roof is an essential part of your home’s protection and longevity. Understanding the factors that influence its lifespan allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to roof repairs or replacements. By considering environmental conditions, choosing quality materials, and following proper maintenance practices, you can ensure that your roof provides reliable shelter for years to come. Remember to consult with roofing professionals for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.

A comprehensive guide to felt shingles

Felt shingles are a popular roofing option for various properties, particularly garden structures, and there are numerous reasons for this. They have many advantages, so let’s get to know exactly what felt shingles can offer you.

What Are Roof Shingles?

Shingles are special roofing materials that can be placed along a roof, creating a defined, uniform appearance that is watertight and able to withstand a wide array of weather and temperature conditions. Simple to apply, they can be applied to many different buildings, and usually don’t require a professional to install.

There are several different types of shingles made from various different materials. Felt and cedar are common shingle types. Felt is a particular favourite among professional builders and DIY enthusiasts alike due to the many advantages it benefits from.

Felt shingles are an affordable alternative to roofing felt and can be used without a finishing layer placed over the top. Due to this, they are often produced in a wide range of colours, giving customers more choices and allowing them to pick out the best finishing look for their projects.

Benefits of Felt Roofing Shingles

The popularity of felt shingles can be attributed to the benefits they offer. The ease of installation, sometimes requiring just a wooden surface to fix them onto, makes them appealing to a wide range of builders, from professionals to amateurs.

Felt shingles tend to come in a much wider range of colours than most other shingle types, giving you far more choice when it comes to deciding on the cosmetic choices surrounding your project. Whether you want to retain a clear level of uniformity or are looking to achieve a much more adventurous appearance with varying forms and configurations, there is a felt shingle for you!

Not only are they extremely cost-effective products, available at lower prices than most other options but they’re also cheaper to install and maintain. While one of the main selling points of felt shingles is the relatively simple procedure required to install and replace them, their durability should not be underestimated. Felt is a surprisingly robust material and will be able to stand firm throughout any climate, which is necessary for our temperamental British climate.

Best Structures for Felt Shingles

Felt shingles are ideal for various structures, especially those found in gardens. Sheds, stables, garages, and carports are all ideal locations on which to apply them. Not only do felt shingles add a level of protection against the elements, but they also add extra character and, when aged, give the structure a rustic appearance that blends in beautifully with the classic British garden aesthetic.

Felt shingles are waterproof and soundproof, making them perfect for putting on structures designed for storage and containment, whether this is on a shed protecting tools, stables for horses, or even hutches for rabbits and other pets.

What have we learned?

To conclude, felt shingles are ideal for you if you are looking for the following:

  • A much cheaper alternative to more expensive shingles and tiles
  • A waterproof covering for a huge array of garden structures
  • An incredibly fast and easy installation process
  • An extremely simplified maintenance/replacement procedure

Looking for the best price on Felt Shingles?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs, you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

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Incredible prices on roofing supplies (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing

Our Guide to different Roof Tile types

When it comes to finishing a roof, there’s an array of roof tile types to choose from, with options available in various materials, shapes, profiles, and sizes. Choosing the right one often comes down to aesthetics, but other factors to consider will include the roof pitch, weight, weather resistance, sustainability, and budget.

We’ve put together this guide to help ensure the best choice of roof tile for a project.

One of the first things to consider when making a choice is the material of the tiles. Roof tiles come in a wide range of materials, and here at eRoofs, we specialise in providing all kinds of roof tiles!


When it comes to material, which roof tile type is best? The answer is: it depends on the project! Since the material will play a big part in the overall appearance of the roof, think about what looks good. Also, look at what roof tile types other buildings in the area use. Do you want the roof to stand out or blend in?

Other considerations include the material’s durability, longevity, wind resistance, weight, maintenance requirements, ease of installation, and cost.

Cedar Shingles

For a truly natural appearance, cedar shingles might be the perfect solution. They’re also one of the most sustainable roofing materials available. Since they are also very lightweight, the carbon footprint of transporting them is minimal, and they’re easy to move around on-site.

eRoofs Western Red Cedar Shingles are sawn from the highest quality of British Columbian Cedar logs, providing a warm and rich amber-toned aesthetic to your roof. Our shingles are sawn on both sides making them thinner therefore the taper is less obvious, giving more of a smooth and uniform finish.

Felt Shingles

Felt shingles are a popular roofing option for various properties, particularly garden structures, and there are numerous reasons for this. The popularity of felt shingles can be attributed to the benefits they offer. The ease of installation, sometimes requiring just a wooden surface to fix them onto, makes them appealing to a wide range of builders, from professionals to amateurs.

Felt shingles are waterproof and soundproof, making them perfect for putting on structures designed for storage and containment, whether this is on a shed protecting tools, stables for horses, or even hutches for rabbits and other pets.

Onduvilla Bitumen Roof Tiles

Onduvilla Bitumen Roof Tiles are a more reliable and flexible alternative to traditional clay tiles. These tile strips are eco-friendly, made from recycled materials, and form a desirable, durable, and lightweight roof covering that can be laid on a roof decking or close boarding. They’re particularly popular because they offer so much customisation for an affordable price. At eRoofs, we carry brown, black, green, and red!

Regardless of your project size, the lightweight, attractive design of these tiles makes them extremely simple to install, and their dimensions are perfectly adapted to small-size structures.

Looking for the best price on Roof Tiles?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs, you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on roofing supplies (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing

What Are Soffits and Fascias?

The soffit and fascia are fundamental elements of your roof structure. Installed in practical conjunction, these essential components serve both aesthetic and functional purposes, finishing and protecting your roof structure from all the external conditions that threaten to damage it.

In this helpful post, we’ll fill you in on all of the key information you need to know about soffits and fascias so you can expand your knowledge and keep up with the experts.

What Are Soffits?

A soffit is a non-structural board that typically runs from the edge of your home’s exterior walls to the edges of the roof structure. The soffit is designed to cover the underside of the eaves, enhancing both visual appeal and structural protection. Whilst most commonly installed around the main roofline.

Why Does Your Home Need a Soffit?

Aesthetically, soffit boards are ideal for creating a clean and attractive roof finish whilst adding a little extra character to your home. It conceals unsightly rafter beams that would otherwise be visible from the view of the porch or looking up from the ground below.

In terms of functionality, a soffit will protect your rafters from weather exposure and unwelcome pests as well as increasing air circulation to the attic space. Consistent airflow is extremely important in preventing condensation and without it, your roof is susceptible to overheating, mold, and moisture damage. This enhanced level of protection and ventilation makes a soffit a highly important element of your roof structure, especially in cold or damp climates.

What Are Fascias?

A fascia is a roof board that is installed at the end of the roof trusses to create a clean and tidy finish whilst providing protection against external elements. The board itself is plank shaped with a lip at the bottom that supports the soffit.

What Purpose Do Fascias Serve?

The main purposes of fascia boards include bridging the gap between the rafters as well as providing additional support for the bottom row of tiles. Not only does the fascia create a more sleek and visually-pleasing look for your home’s exterior, but it also helps to prevent moisture and wildlife from entering the roof and loft space.

The fascia also provides a steady and stable surface for your property’s guttering to be fixed to. For this reason, it is important that the fascia is kept in a robust, good-quality condition, especially in climates susceptible to very heavy rainfall.

Looking for the best price on Soffits and Fascias?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs, you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on roofing supplies (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing