Tag: insulation

Why is Your Roof Stained?

Is your roof covered in unsightly black and green stains? Are you wondering what causes these blemishes to appear and how you can prevent them? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the common culprits behind stained roofs and provide you with insights on how to keep your roof looking clean and pristine. If you’re thinking about doing up your roof, understanding the causes of staining is essential. So, let’s dive into the world of roof stains and discover how to maintain a beautiful roof for years to come.

Understanding Algae, Moss, and Lichens

Black streaks or green patches on your roof are often signs of algae, moss, or lichens taking up residence. These organisms thrive in wet and humid environments, making them particularly prevalent in certain climates. While they may seem harmless at first glance, ignoring these stains can lead to severe consequences such as rot, mold growth, and water damage. Let’s take a closer look at each culprit:


Algae are tiny organisms that flourish in damp conditions. They typically appear as black streaks on shingles and can quickly spread across your entire roof if left untreated. While algae do not cause significant structural damage to your roof, their presence can be aesthetically displeasing.


Moss is a small plant that thrives in moist environments with low sunlight exposure. It appears as a greenish hue on roofs and tends to grow in shaded areas or where there is an accumulation of debris like leaves or branches. Unlike algae, moss has root-like structures that penetrate shingles over time if not addressed promptly.


Lichens are unique organisms formed through the symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. They have a distinctive appearance with patches ranging from green to gray or white colors. Lichens grow slowly but can cause damage to your roof by infiltrating and deteriorating shingles.

The Impact of Stains on Your Roof

While the appearance of stains may seem like a purely cosmetic issue, it’s crucial to address them promptly. Ignoring or neglecting roof stains can lead to various problems, including:

  1. Reduced Lifespan: Algae, moss, and lichens can retain moisture on your roof’s surface, accelerating the deterioration of shingles and shortening their lifespan.
  2. Structural Damage: Over time, the presence of these organisms can compromise the integrity of your roof, leading to leaks, rotting wood decking, and potential water damage inside your home.
  3. Energy Inefficiency: Moss and algae can trap moisture close to the surface of your roof, promoting heat absorption and reducing energy efficiency in your home.

Now that we understand the causes and potential consequences of stained roofs let’s explore effective strategies for prevention and maintenance in our next section.

Prevention: Keeping Stains at Bay

Preventing stains from appearing on your roof is easier than dealing with them once they’ve taken hold. Here are some proactive measures you can take to keep your roof looking clean:

Regular Roof Inspections

Performing regular inspections allows you to identify any signs of staining early on. Look out for discoloration or patches during visual examinations from the ground or through binoculars. If you notice any suspicious areas, it’s best to take action sooner rather than later.

Proper Roof Ventilation

Maintaining proper ventilation in your attic helps regulate temperature and humidity levels in your entire roofing system. By preventing excessive moisture build-up, you create an environment less conducive for algae and moss growth.

Tree Trimming

Trimming overhanging tree branches near your roof prevents excessive shade that encourages moss growth while reducing debris accumulation that supports both moss and lichen development.

Regular Cleaning

Regularly cleaning your roof can help deter the growth of algae, moss, and lichens. However, caution should be exercised to avoid damaging shingles or causing additional problems. Consult a professional or follow manufacturer guidelines for safe and effective cleaning methods.

Cleaning Methods: Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to cleaning a stained roof, it’s essential to use appropriate techniques that won’t cause further damage. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  • Use a gentle low-pressure wash or soft-bristle brush to remove stains.
  • Apply environmentally friendly roof cleaning solutions specifically designed for algae, moss, or lichen removal.
  • Ensure safety precautions such as using proper footwear and securing yourself with fall protection equipment if necessary.


  • Avoid using high-pressure washing or aggressive scrubbing techniques that may harm shingles.
  • Refrain from using chlorine bleach or other harsh chemicals that can damage vegetation and corrode metal components on your roof.

By following these guidelines, you can safely restore the appearance of your roof while minimizing the risk of any unintended consequences.

Professional Assistance: When to Seek Help

While some homeowners may feel confident in tackling roof stains themselves, others prefer enlisting the help of professionals. Consider reaching out to roofing experts in the following situations:

  1. Severe Staining: If your roof is heavily stained or covered in extensive growth, professional help may be necessary to ensure thorough and effective cleaning.
  2. Safety Concerns: Steep roofs or multi-story homes pose safety risks for DIY cleaning. In such cases, it is advisable to hire professionals equipped with appropriate safety gear and expertise.
  3. Lack of Time or Resources: If you lack the time, tools, or physical capability required for proper stain removal, contacting professionals will save you both time and effort.

Remember that professional assistance ensures not only a clean roof but also peace of mind knowing the job is done safely and effectively.


Understanding why your roof is stained is the first step towards maintaining a beautiful and long-lasting roofing system. Algae, moss, and lichens are common culprits that require regular attention to prevent potential damage. By implementing prevention strategies, adopting safe cleaning practices, and seeking professional help when needed, you can keep your roof free from stains and extend its lifespan. So go ahead, give your roof the care it deserves, and enjoy a clean and vibrant home for years to come!

The Importance of Attic Ventilation for Your Roof

When it comes to home improvement, the roof is often the last thing on our minds. We tend to focus on more visible aspects like paint colours, flooring, or kitchen renovations. However, one crucial element that should not be overlooked is attic ventilation and roof vents. These components play a vital role in preventing destructive issues such as mould, mildew, and moisture build-up. If you’re thinking about upgrading your roof, it’s essential to understand why attic ventilation deserves your attention.

Understanding Attic Ventilation

Before delving into the significance of attic ventilation, let’s first grasp what it entails. Attic ventilation refers to the process of allowing air to circulate within the space between your roof and ceiling. This circulation helps regulate temperature extremes and prevents excess moisture from accumulating.

The Role of Roof Vents

Roof vents are an integral part of attic ventilation systems. They facilitate the exchange of stale and humid air with fresh outdoor air, maintaining a healthy environment in your attic. By allowing hot air to escape during summer months and preventing condensation during colder seasons, roof vents help preserve the integrity of your entire roofing system.

Preventing Moisture Buildup

Moisture buildup is one of the most common problems that can occur in an improperly ventilated attic space. Without adequate airflow, moisture from everyday activities such as bathing or cooking can accumulate in your attic. Over time, this excess moisture can lead to mold growth, wood rotting, and compromised insulation effectiveness.

The Dangers of Mould and Mildew

Mould and mildew thrive in damp environments with poor ventilation. These fungi not only cause unsightly stains but also pose health risks for you and your family members. Prolonged exposure to mould spores can trigger respiratory issues such as allergies or asthma attacks.

To ensure a healthy living environment free from harmful mold growth, proper attic ventilation is crucial. It helps prevent excess moisture buildup and creates an inhospitable environment for mold and mildew to flourish.

Extending Roof Lifespan

Investing in a new roof is a significant undertaking, both financially and in terms of time and effort. Therefore, it’s essential to maximize the lifespan of your new roof. Proper attic ventilation plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal.

Reducing Heat Build-up

During hot summer months, attics can become extremely hot without proper ventilation. This excessive heat build-up can cause shingles to deteriorate prematurely, leading to cracks, curling, or even total failure. By allowing hot air to escape through roof vents, you can help regulate attic temperatures and alleviate strain on your roofing materials.

Preventing Ice Dams in Winter

In colder climates, ice dams pose a significant threat to roofs without adequate ventilation. Ice dams form when warm air from your living spaces rises into the attic and melts snow on the roof’s surface. The melted snow then refreezes at the eaves where it’s colder, creating ice dams that trap water.

Proper attic ventilation helps maintain consistent temperatures throughout your roof, preventing snowmelt from occurring unevenly and reducing the likelihood of ice dam formation. This simple preventative measure can protect your roof from potential water damage caused by ice dams.

Energy Efficiency Benefits

Attic ventilation goes beyond preserving your roof’s lifespan; it also contributes to energy efficiency within your home. By regulating temperature extremes in your attic space, proper ventilation reduces the demand on your HVAC system.

Cooling Cost Savings

During scorching summer months, an improperly ventilated attic traps heat within your home. This leads to increased cooling costs as your air conditioner works harder to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. With sufficient airflow provided by well-designed attic ventilation systems, you can significantly reduce cooling expenses and conserve energy.

Preserving Insulation Effectiveness

Insulation plays a crucial role in keeping your home comfortable year-round. However, without proper attic ventilation, insulation can become compromised. Excessive heat and moisture in the attic can cause insulation to deteriorate, reducing its effectiveness.

By maintaining optimal attic temperatures through proper ventilation, you ensure that your insulation remains efficient in regulating indoor temperature and minimizing energy loss.


While often overlooked, attic ventilation is an essential aspect of roof maintenance and longevity. By preventing moisture buildup, preserving insulation effectiveness, and reducing energy consumption, proper attic ventilation saves you from potential headaches down the road. Whether you’re considering a new roof or looking to upgrade your existing one, don’t forget to prioritize attic ventilation for a healthier and more sustainable home.

Where can I use Kingspan?

It can be very difficult to decide what brand of insulation to choose among all available in the market. Out of all the insulation materials available on the market, Kingspan insulation is among those brands which have been tested and have great results in home insulation. To help you decide where is best to use Kingspan, we have listed the materials which will best suit various locations in your house.

Kingspan Kooltherm

Kingspan Kooltherm has a high tolerance, unmatchable performance, and a range of very durable phenolic insulation materials. Out of all the products available in the market, Kooltherm sheets have been providing the lowest possible ‘thermal transmittance’. Also, it is very resistant to water vapour. It absorbs moisture as low as 2%. It is strong with compressive strength of around 175kpa.

Internal walls

Internal walls need to be insulated very efficiently because there are a number of factors that can lead to heat loss which further leads to problems such as dampness. Kingspan is insulated plasterboard that is used for internal wall insulation. It has plasterboard on its front surface and a glass tissue polyiso on the reverse surface. Thermal conductivity is ranged from 0.020-0.19 W/m.K. they are highly resistible.

External walls

While we keep ourselves busy with internal insulation, it is also very important to keep in mind external wall insulation. Kooltherm k5 board is designed solely for external wall insulation, especially with brick walls and cladding systems that are dry. It has a thermal conductivity range from 0.020-0.023 W/m.K. It has a glass tissue texture. For use as external wall insulation, the K5 offers a very flexible application process and is readily available.

Roof insulation

The roofs of our homes and other buildings tend to lose heat. If not insulated properly, it might also begin condensation build-up as it is exposed to rain and moisture. This will not only harm your building but will also affect your health adversely. Kooltherm k7 boards are used for roof insulation and are used under slates or tiles. With a thermal conductivity range of 0.020-0.023 W/m.K, k7 board has a composite foil texture. A special range of Kingspan TR26 and TR27 are available which have coated glass tissue surfaces on both sides. Both kinds of roofs, plain or vegetated can be perfectly insulated using either H350R or N300R models of Kingspan Styrozone. Board sizes are 1.25 by 0.6m. Since H350R has high compressive strength, it is common in all types of house insulation applications. KingspanTP10 can also be used for insulation of warm or pitched roofs. The TP10 board is a polyiso board similar to the TF70 board with a foil face on both sides.

Cavity walls

Cavity walls are the area people mostly miss out on during the insulation process which later on brings a lot of trouble. You must not make this mistake and insulate your cavity walls right away. Kingspan k8 board is a special type of Kooltherm designed for cavity wall insulation. Thermal conductivity ranges from 0.020-0.023 W/m.K. Its texture is composite foil. You can also go for the Kingspan k12 board which will provide you with good results. They have a composite foil facing on both surfaces which results in better insulation. The Kooltherm range will always give you a better thermal result when compared with a standard Polyiso board so when deciding which is best it is recommended to know what board will suit your application and pocket the best.

Looking for the best price on Kingspan?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs, you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on roofing supplies (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing

Why should you insulate your home?

If you have never considered the usefulness of insulation you might not know how much money you could save. A quarter of heat can be lost through the roof in an uninsulated home. Insulating your loft or attic is an effective way to reduce heat loss and save on your heating bills and it eventually pays for itself after 40 years because of the amount you save!

Financial losses from lack of insulation

Insulation prevents heat from escaping and allows you to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer without using too much energy. According to government figures, 66% of homes with a loft have loft insulation, and 70% of homes with a cavity wall have cavity wall insulation, meaning over 30% of homes don’t have insulation – which will often amount to them losing hundreds of pounds every year. Depending on your home, different kinds of insulation will suit you better, some will save you more than others.

‘Cavity wall insulation will save you around £255 a year in a detached house, £150 a year in a semi-detached house, and £95 in a terrace. If you have solid walls, you can save even more money: without insulation, you’re spending an extra £435 a year in a detached house and £260 in a semi.

By insulating your loft, you can knock an average of £135 a year off your energy bills in a typical semi-detached house. With an average installation price of £300, this means the insulation pays for itself in just over two years. In a detached house, the savings are even bigger. You’ll have to pay £225 less for energy, meaning you recoup the cost of insulation in twenty-one months.

Insulating your floors can save you anything from £25 to £70 a year or more while draught-proofing your home saves an average of £20 a year – and makes your home more comfortable to boot.’ Credit: Moneysupermarket

How much does insulation cost?

Insulation can be costworthy if you don’t know where to find the best deals. Here at eRoofs, we have great deals on high-quality rigid insulation boards to suit your budget; starting at only £14.43 each, so you can keep your home warm without losing money on overpriced materials or wasting energy on uninsulated rooms. We have many different types of insulation in stock depending on your needs and type of home, so please don’t be afraid to get in touch for specialist advice.

Want to get the best deal on insulation?

We also offer plenty of support and expert advice for most roofing projects – and definitely any products we sell online. Contact eRoofs here 

At eRoofs you can not only expect a good deal but also:

Superfast FREE delivery on orders over £150*

Handy FREE installation guides (and even instructional videos!)

Incredible prices on composite decking (and frequent big discounts!)

*Free delivery applies to most of the UK, but some areas may incur a charge, unfortunately – please check the eRoofs website for more details.

**Prices all correct at time of writing